Powerful Features Designed by Educators
- You can use Presentria to ask open-ended questions.
- Participants can type their answers up to 60,000 characters.
- You can show the result in a Word Cloud. (via Basic and Question Bank only, not in Multi-item).
- Text entries from the class are displayed on participants' devices and also on the projector screen.
- You can preview the question to understand how it may look like on a typical smartphone.
- You can enhance the question by changing font color/size, and adding hyperlink, images, YouTube Video, tables, divider-line, symbols, and equations to the question (via Question Bank only, not on Basic).
- You can set a timer for a question. Your options are 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2, minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 25 minutes, and 30 minutes. There will be animated reminder for the count down during the last 10 seconds.
See what a Presentria quiz looks like:
- Log-in at http://www.presentria.com (no registration required)
- Use session number M98
Learn more about...
LaTeX / Math Equation
Quick Log-in
Question Bank
Reports / Analytics
YouTube Video
Word Cloud
You can display results in a word cloud.

You and the participants can view the text entries directly on the projector screen.

You can view the class' text entries via the report function in the Instructor Portal.