Numeric Value
Powerful Features Designed by Educators
- You can use Presentria to collect data in numeric values.
- You can show results using a bar or line graph, with basic statistics (Median, Mean and Mode), powered by LibChart.
- Results from the class are displayed on participants' devices and also on the projector screen.
- You can preview the question to understand how it may look like on a typical smartphone.
- You can enhance the question by changing font color/size, and adding hyperlink, images, YouTube Video, tables, divider-line, symbols, and equations to the question (via Question Bank only, not on Basic).
- You can set a timer for a question. Your options are 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2, minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 25 minutes, and 30 minutes. There will be animated reminder for the count down during the last 10 seconds.
See what a Presentria quiz looks like:
- Log-in at http://www.presentria.com (no registration required)
- Use session number M98
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Word Cloud
The result is summarized and displayed on the projector screen.
Data can be displayed in line or bar graphs.